Friday, May 27, 2011

Canteen Stickers

Many people decorate their canteen with NOLS stickers or stickers of hikes they've done, places they've gone, etc.  After all, the act of owning a canteen in itself implies that you put yourself in situations that require you to use said canteen (AKA: doing a lot of outdoors-y things). 

But not me.  Case in point: I just added a Mono Loco sticker to my canteen.  That's right: I choose to decorate my canteen with stickers from restaurants I've eaten at.  I use it as a supplement to my dining-out fetish.  No thanks, waiter, I don't need a drink, I have my canteen stashed in my purse.  (This is completely unfounded.  I just came up with this idea, but I might actually start doing this...)

Anyways, if you've never been to Charlottesville, or even worse, if you live in Charlottesville and you haven't experienced the gloriousness that is the Mono Loco South American burrito, here is what you're missing out on:


Sarah said...

Oh my god. That looks DELICIOUS. Don't worry - if I had a place around here that made a burrito that was THAT delicious, I'd be pasting it's sticker all over as well :D

Desire' said...

hahaha sarah, i'm glad you understand. :)
they seriously are the best things!

Megan | Freckled Italian said...

I will add this to my list of things to eat once I move into my new apartment.

Desire' said...

perfect! i'm going with you haha

Hannah said...

ha ha! that looks really delicious. love your canteen-style. nice :)

Dawn said...

I held that "canteen" aka water bottle half the weekend & I had no idea you had accessorized...I thought you bought it that way!

*mom advice - get rid of the word verification, it's annoying..just sayin'

Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

I always bring my Nalgene with me everywhere I go and yes that includes restaurants. Sometimes I get the evil eye from the server but it never bothers me because I ♥ my filtered water! My laptop looks just like your canteen :-)